A four-step guide on how to succeed at practically anything

Date: Saturday, July 15, 2017
Time: 2:30 - 3:15 pm (EDT) (UTC-04:00)
Location: Room 1004
Format: General Lecture Session

Session description

We all have to start somewhere. But if you work in an office that has not yet embraced the concepts, workflows and processes that a content strategy requires — in other words, you work in an office where no one "does" content strategy — where do you begin? How can you make progress on creating content that advances your school’s goals without a strategy — or a strategist — in place? In this session, we’ll discuss a simple four-step framework for thinking about your content development processes and goals.

This session brought to you in partnership with the HighEdWeb Association.


Lori Packer

Headshot of Lori Packer
Director of Digital Media, University of Rochester

As director of digital media at the University of Rochester, Lori Packer is responsible for the design, maintenance and content strategy for several central university websites, including the university’s homepage and news site. Her team also manages the university's central social media accounts and strategy. Lori is also part of the design and editorial team for Futurity.org, an online magazine for research news from more than 60 universities around the world.


  • General Lecture Session: A four-step guide on how to succeed at practically anything

Session video

Sessions were recorded and have been uploaded. View the schedule or visit our main videos page to view the videos.


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